Fabulous New Stall Holder DO RE ME and a Giveaway
Monday, April 25, 2011
Happy Easter Everyone. I trust you have all had a wonderful break.
First I would like to introduce you to a great new Stall holder that will be at the May 15th Small People Event.
"We take ordinary objects, ancient skills, unloved trash, new art & sculpture, treasures of yesteryear and surprising homegrown, homesewn things and give them to you on a platter – in one place, one space, with a product line you can trace. To put it simply, we have thrown the net wide to harness the creative talents of the village. We believe in product with conscience, and we make it our business to tell you the stories that breathe the life and love into the wonderful one-offs you’ll find instore. We can’t help ourselves. Creativity feeds upon itself and it just keeps growing. I think creativity is a crucial part of consciousness.
For a long time before Do Re Me the store, I simply stole moments to do rabidly creative things in between the very large task of breeding and rearing small humans"

Leave me a comment below telling me the best thing you did this Easter and double your chance by popping over to the DoReMe Facebook page and becoming a fan. Make sure you tell me you have done so. You have until Sunday 1st May 8pm to do so.
If you comment anonymously please pop your name in the comments so I know who you are should you be selected.