Christmas Market 2020 Style

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

2020 is NOT going to rain on our Christmas Parade.

We are thrilled to be able to run our Christmas Market this year which also happens to be our belated 10th birthday celebration.

Event operators, makers and food providers have done it REALLY tough this year. This event is a wonderful opportunity to welcome them back and show them some support by shopping local in the lead up to Christmas.

By now we have all had to adapt to new ways of operating in order to stay Covidsafe as well as being able to run effectively and efficiently.

These restrictions mean that only 200 people will be able to enter the market at any one time.

You’ll need to book online in 1-hour time slots. We encourage you to arrive 10 – 20 mins before your allocated time so we can scan you in quickly and maximise your shopping time.

Whilst we absolutely adore being a family-friendly event, we have made the difficult decision to not allow children to enter the market this year.

We want to make sure that as many people as possible are able to attend and maximise every opportunity for our makers to get seen by shoppers.

We have everything crossed that in 2021 we will be back to normal and able to welcome everyone.

But for now, grab your friends and come out to support our local makers. Leave the kids at home, if possible, or make use of the open spaces and play equipment near the venue.

We’ll have plenty of food operators outside the venue to keep you all fed. Most of these food trucks haven’t been able to operate for 8 months, so arrive with an appetite and grab a drink or bite to eat while you wait.

Please wear a mask, socially distance and try to refrain from touching products where possible. Do not attend if you are unwell.

Bookings will open at 9am on the 4th of December.

There will plenty of Christmas goodies, and lots of original gift ideas.

$3 entry for adults. 15 +

Friday 11th 5 - 9 pm

Saturday 12th 9 - 4 pm

The final hour between 3 and 4 will be an open hour that opens just prior to accomodate for people who may want to return or who have stumbled on the event and would love to get a chance to shop.

Plenty of Free Parking


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